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Junk and the Environment

Oct 07, 2022
Junk Removal Services in Schaumburg, IL

The Risks of Leaving Junk In Your Yard

Elite Command Junk Hauling

As various tools and appliances approach the end of their life span, it can be difficult to know what to do with them. In turn, it can be easy just to leave them behind and forget they're there. Before you know it, you've got a colossal pile of useless junk doing far more harm than good. While it may not seem to be causing any harm, it could be contributing to an array of problems that cause long-term environmental damage.

Elite Command Junk Hauling is a Schaumburg, IL removal specialist that has seen the impact that trash and junk can leave behind. We work to remove clutter, improve safety, and protect the environment all at once.

How Junk Affects the Environment

Injury Risks

As clutter begins to build up and consume your living space, getting around safely could become a challenge. While small piles turn into large ones, your home could quickly become a trip hazard for anyone trying to get from one place to another. In severe cases, things could fall from unexpected places and cause significant injury.

The risks only get worse in outdoor settings. Along with leaks or discharges, junk can be difficult to keep organized. As it begins to pile up, there is a great risk of things falling apart, rusting, or more. Also, many metals can oxidize in the outdoors, leading to rust. People could step on a nail or cut themselves on a sharp object, putting them at risk for an array of infections.

Elite Command Junk Hauling can remove any junk from your property and ensure your home is safe for everyone living there. Instead of waiting for someone to get injured, contact a specialist that will have the equipment to clear out the property safely.


Our lives include a wide array of materials, cleaners, air fresheners, chemicals, and other products. Used bottles and containers can contain trace amounts of leftover substances. As they accumulate and aren't properly disposed of, the chemicals could seep into the surrounding environment. Many of them contain chlorofluorocarbons, which could be hazardous to humans. CFCs are known for creating a major greenhouse effect, which makes us more susceptible to UV radiation and in turn, cancer.

Prolonged exposure could put the environment and the people that live in it at risk of severe health issues. Junk removal services are a critical part of overall sanitation and environmental protection. Elite Command Junk Hauling works to reduce the impact of CFCs by making sure all chemicals are properly disposed of.

Discharge and Runoff

Large machinery can be notorious for leaking toxic chemicals into the environment. Old HVAC units, cars, and junk appliances are known for leaking oils, cleaning solutions, and other lubricants. Chlorofluorocarbons are also common in these solutions, which could cause significant damage to the surrounding ecosystem.

Many thicker substances can also form a sort of "film" over the ground preventing water from seeping into the soil around it. As the ground is choked off the oxygen it needs, surrounding plants and organisms will begin to die, disrupting the natural ecosystem. To give you an idea of how dangerous these discharges are, the government has shut down many junkyards for not disposing of them properly.

While your home will never have to handle the amount of junk and waste as a junkyard, improper disposal and uncontrolled accumulation could still have a major impact on the surrounding environment. That's why it's important not to let junk sit around for too long. Contact a junk remover near you that will know how to properly dispose of and recycle the hardware, hazardous material, and whatever else may be affecting the environment.

Less Recycling Opportunities

Most hardware contains components that can be stripped off the old unit and recycled. They can be reinstalled on another unit or melted down and repurposed entirely. However, if the hardware is left behind and not stripped in time, all of those healthy and functioning components will also begin to go bad. Junk is a host of opportunities that weren't taken. With a responsive removal service, those components could be salvaged and reused, saving the environment from hazards and also protecting our resources.

Contact Your Schaumburg, IL Junk Hauler

Elite Command Junk Hailing is a Schaumburg, IL junk removal company with years of experience hauling away old appliances and other hardware. Not only do we want you to have a clear and safe space to live in, but we also work to ensure that everything is disposed of properly. We work to make sure salvaged materials go to the right place, and components that are beyond their life span don't cause any harm to the environment.

Contact our removal specialists today to learn more about the impact of junk and trash on the environment and how we work to combat it.

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